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centos 6

Monitor MySQL Server with Nagios 3.4

This document is outdated and it may not work Nagios is the most widely used open source monitoring tools which help us to monitor the services and application that run’s on Windows,Linux,Routers and other network devices. With the help of Nagios you can monitor basic services and attributes. We can access the Nagios using web […]

Install Apache web server CentOS 6 / RHEL 6

Apache web server is the most widely used web server application in the word, it shares 63% word web server market. It supports all major distribution such as windows, Linux , Solaris and Mac operating system, it considerably has large usage on Unix platform due to the package bundled with operating system disc and also […]

How to install Microsoft TrueType Fonts in CentOS 6 / RHEL 6

When you are reading document using LibreOffice or OpenOffice, you might need Microsoft True Type fonts if documents were created using Word or PowerPoint because MS office uses MS True Type fonts. Also, Most web pages are designed for Microsoft fonts. You can find it in the style-sheet, where they specify fonts. In CentOS 6 […]