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linux basics

How To Create Users in Linux Using useradd / adduser Command

If you are a Linux system admin who administers Linux servers, you are very frequently asked to create users in Linux unless the organization uses LDAP. As a Linux administrator, you should be well versed with creating and removing users, assigning users to different groups in Linux. This post explains to you how to create […]

How To Use Linux Screen Command

Screen (GNU Screen) is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal. In simple words, it is a terminal multiplexer by which you can start a screen session and then run a program or start a process which requires an active terminal session inside a physical terminal. Program or process running in screen session […]

20 Useful apt, apt-get, and apt-cache Command Examples for Package Management

Advanced Package Tool (APT) is a powerful and free software package-management user interface in Debian based operating systems, including Ubuntu and LinuxMint to handle the installation and removal of software packages. The apt command has been introduced to merge apt-get and apt-cache into one single command and provide a pleasant experience for end users by […]

Linux Basics: 30 YUM Command Examples for Linux Package Management

Yellowdog Updater, Modified (yum) is an open source package-management utility in Redhat based operating system. Yum takes care of automatic installation of dependent packages during package installation, removal, and updates. Yum uses Redhat Package Manager (RPM) and can install software packages from yum repositories (collections of RPM packages), which can be accessed locally or over […]