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linuxmint 20

Install Zoom Client On Ubuntu 20.04/18.04 & Linux Mint 20/19

Zoom Client is a videoconferencing software developed by Zoom Video communications. It provides a video call, chat, and remote desktop sharing services for free accounts with time and participant limitations. Users having paid subscriptions can host a meeting with up to 1000 people with no time restriction. Zoom has seen a major boost in the […]

How To Install VirtualBox On Linux Mint 20

VirtualBox is an open-source hypervisor application for creating and running virtual machines on a single host machine. VirtualBox can be installed on operating systems, including Linux, Windows, Solaris, and macOS.

How To Enable Snap Package Manager On Linux Mint 20

Snap is a package management system for installing and managing the applications (called  Snaps) developed by Cananoical for Linux operating systems. The Snap is a bundle of an app and its dependencies that work across many different Linux distributions. The snapd manages the snap environment on the local system, and it discovers the application (snaps) […]