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openstack liberty

OpenStack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS – Configure Glance

Glance accepts API requests for disk or server images, and image metadata from end users or OpenStack Compute. It also supports the storage of disk or server images on various repository types, including OpenStack Object Storage. This post guides you to configure OpenStack image service (Glance) on the controller node. We will configure a glance […]

OpenStack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS – Configure KeyStone #2

This guide takes you to the second part of configuring OpenStack identity service on controller node, you can also go through the previous article on configuring KeyStone #1. Here we will be covering service entity and API end point creations. Create the service entity and API endpoint: To create the service entity and API endpoint, […]

OpenStack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS – Configure KeyStone #1

The OpenStack Identity service provides a single point of integration for managing authentication, authorization, and service catalog services. It doesn’t actually provide you any user management functions, rather, it provides plug-in interfaces to choose between current authentication service or third-party identity services that are available on the market. When installing OpenStack Identity service, you must […]

Install OpenStack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform, provides solution for infrastructure as a service. OpenStack consists of multiple component put together for providing IaaS, components are listed below with its use. Components: Component Name Use Compute (Nova) Manages virtual machines Object Storage (Swift) Manages storage across cloud Block Storage (Cinder) Manages storage to compute […]