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ubuntu 18.04

How To Create Ansible Playbooks for IT Automation

Playbook is nothing but Ansible’s configuration management scripts, and it can be used to manage deployments and configurations of managed nodes. Playbook contains set of policies that you want your managed nodes to enforce or a set of steps in a general IT process. Playbooks are written and developed in a simple text language. The […]

How To Install Ansible on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 / Ubuntu 18.04 / 16.04 & Debian 9

Ansible is a free configuration management tool, and it supports managing the configurations of Unix-like and Microsoft Windows systems. Ansible manages nodes over SSH or PowerShell and python to be installed on them. Ansible helps you to perform configuration, management, and deployment of software on 100s of nodes using SSH, the entire operation can be […]

How To Install Apache Hadoop on CentOS 7, Ubuntu 18.04 & Debian 9

Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework written in Java for distributed storage and distributed process, and it handles the very large size of data sets by distributing it across computer clusters. Rather than rely on hardware high availability, Hadoop modules are designed to detect and handle the failure at the application layer, so gives […]

How To Install TeamViewer On Ubuntu 20.04 / Ubuntu 18.04

TeamViewer is one of the most widely used applications for remote control, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing, and file transfer between computers. TeamViewer supports Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android operating systems. You can also access a machine running TeamViewer over a web browser. Install TeamViewer Open a terminal and then […]