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How To Install VirtualBox on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

VirtualBox is an open-source hypervisor software that helps you create and run multiple guest operating systems (“virtual machines”) on a single hardware machine. VirtualBox can be installed on host operating systems, including Linux, Windows, Solaris, OS X, and OpenSolaris. From version 2.0, VirtualBox supports 32 and 64bit host and guest operating systems. If you want […]

How to Enable Remote Console in VirtualBox

VirtualBox supports remote console to control and manage the guest operating systems, this small guide will explain you how to enable remote console in VirtualBox. To enable, Oracle VM VirtualBox –> Select VM –> Settings —> Display –> Remote Display. Click on Enable Server to enable the remote display. You may get a warning message […]

Manage VirtualBox with phpVirtualBox (Web Based Interface)

phpVirtualBox is an open source web interface for Oracle VirtualBox, written in php with AJAX implementation. It allows you to remotely manage VirtualBox instance, really useful when you don’t have GUI in operating system. phpVirtualBox allows you control  and manage guest instance as like the VirtualBox GUI do, you wont find any difference between the […]