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What is Xen®?

What is Xen®? The Xen® hypervisor, the most powerful open source industry standard for virtualization, it offers  powerful, efficient, and secure feature set for virtualization of x86, x86_64, IA64, ARM, and other CPU architectures. It supports a wide range of guest operating systems including Windows®, Linux®, Solaris®, and various versions of the BSD operating systems.

How to install VMware Workstation 8 on Linux Mint 12 (x86_64) “Lisa”

VMware Workstation is a virtual machine software suite for x86 and x86-64 computers from VMware, which allows users to set up multiple x86 and x86-64 virtual machines (VMs) and use one or more of these virtual machines simultaneously with the hosting operating system. Each virtual machine instance can execute its own guest operating system, including […]