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Features of VMware vCenter Server 5 | VMware vCenter Server 5 Features

The VMware vCenter Server is centralized virtualization management solution. Advanced capabilities provide the greatest visibility, proactive management and scalability for the  virtual environment. vCenter Server is a foundation you can easily extend for end-to-end integration with the physical environment and upon which you can build a private cloud infrastructure.    

How to Install VMware Server on Linux

VMware is the one of leading provider of virtualization products such as VMware     workstation,Server, fusion, Appliances. Here we will see about the installation of the VMware server on the Linux Operating system. Because Linux is very robust one, it free too. You get the Overview here

How to install VMware Workstation 8 on Linux Mint 12 (x86_64) “Lisa”

VMware Workstation is a virtual machine software suite for x86 and x86-64 computers from VMware, which allows users to set up multiple x86 and x86-64 virtual machines (VMs) and use one or more of these virtual machines simultaneously with the hosting operating system. Each virtual machine instance can execute its own guest operating system, including […]