How To Setup a Chef 12 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Bootstrapping a New Node with Knife:

Bootstrapping a node is a process of installing chef-client on a target machine so that it can run as a chef-client node and communicate with the chef server.

From the workstation, you can bootstrap the node either by using the node’s root user, or a user with elevated privileges.

knife bootstrap chefclient.itzgeek.local -x root -P pass --sudo

Important options:

-x: The ssh username

-P: The ssh password

-p: The ssh port

-N: Set your chef-client node name. Leaving this out will usually make hostname being used as the chef-client node name.

–sudo: If the user name on the node will need to use sudo to perform administrative actions, then use this flag. Note: It will prompt you for sudo the sudo password.

Since I didn’t use -N in the command, the hostname will become chef node name.


Doing old-style registration with the validation key at /root/chef-repo/.chef/itzgeek-validator.pem...
Delete your validation key in order to use your user credentials instead

Connecting to chefclient.itzgeek.local
chefclient.itzgeek.local -----> Installing Chef Omnibus (-v 12)
chefclient.itzgeek.local downloading
chefclient.itzgeek.local   to file /tmp/
chefclient.itzgeek.local trying curl...
chefclient.itzgeek.local el 7 x86_64
chefclient.itzgeek.local Getting information for chef stable 12 for el...
.     .     .     .     .     .chefclient.itzgeek.local [2016-11-12T19:24:36-05:00] WARN: Node chefclient.itzgeek.local has an empty run list.
chefclient.itzgeek.local Converging 0 resources
chefclient.itzgeek.local Running handlers:
chefclient.itzgeek.local Running handlers complete
chefclient.itzgeek.local Chef Client finished, 0/0 resources updated in 05 seconds

Once the bootstrapping is complete, list down the nodes using the following command.

knife node list



Get the client node details.

knife client show chefclient.itzgeek.local


admin:     false
chef_type: client
name:      chefclient.itzgeek.local
validator: false

That’s All for now. We will soon meet again with another post on creating chef cookbooks.

centos 7chefconfiguration managementdevops
Comments (2)
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  • Rashid

    Awesome tutorial, Thanks

  • ITzGeek Web

    Make sure the root has sudo access to execute the command. You can also remove –sudo option if the user has full previlleges.