
We welcome everyone to advertise on Currently, our site ranks 67,503 in Alexa. Most of the traffic is from India and the United States, ranks 18941, 72276 in India and US respectively. The domain was purchased in Jan 2013, and in July 2014 the site becomes fully functional.

What we receive

We receive nearly about 360K+ pageviews, and more than 15% of visitors are from the US. The following is the screenshot of March 2018 analytics report of ITzGeek.

ITzGeek User Visits
ITzGeek User Visits

What we have

Our site mainly focuses on writing articles related to Linux and open source components. Currently, we have 750+ article in our site; most of them are related to different distributions of Linux, and occasionally we write articles about Windows and web technologies like WordPress and Joomla. We have 2650+ fans on Facebook and have 1000+ mailing subscribers, keep growing.

What we offer

Our site has premium ad space for advertisers who are willing to display ads. The following ad spaces are available to you.

1. Top banner (Right Next to logo)

2. Right sidebar (Above Facebook fan widget)

3. Below the page content (Just above the comment box)

4. Left sidebar (In case of special requests)

Our site is responsive, and we accept all size of image banners.

We expect

We expect to accept any one of the below advertising modes from you.

Fixed rate for a period

Advertisement Tariff
PositionBanner SizeTariff / Month
Top banner (Right Next to logo)720*90$150
Right sidebar (position you choose)300*600, 160*600$400
Inside Post (Ads after every15 paragraph)Horizontal Any Size$750
Below Post TitleHorizontal Any Size$200
Above Comment BoxHorizontal Any Size$200
Left sidebar (Special Request)300*600, 160*600$300


We accept CPC ads at the premium rate of $.75 per click.

Please do not contact us for CPM advertisement. No Agencies, only direct advertisers.

If you are ready to place an ad on our site, then mail us at [email protected] or fill up a form.