Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 / Ubuntu 16.04 – A Network and Server Monitoring Tool


Setup LibreNMS:

Open a web browser and navigate it to below URL.






Click Next Stage on the installation page.

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - Installation Wizard
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – Installation Wizard

Stage 1: Enter the database information.

DB Name: librenmsdb
User Name: librenmsuser
DB Password: librenmspassword

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - Database Details
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – Database Details

Stage 2: Installer will start importing schemas and other important database entries.

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - Importing DB
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – Importing DB
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - DB Import Completed
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – DB Import Completed

Click on Goto Add User.

Stage 3: Create Admin user.

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - User Creation
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – User Creation

Stage 4: Generate config.

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - Generating Config
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – Generating Config

Stage 5: If you get any error like below.

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - Error in Config file creation
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – Error in Config file creation

Manually create a config.php under /opt/librenms directory.

vi /opt/librenms/config.php

Copy and paste the configurations shown in the error page to the above file.

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - Copying Configurations
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – Copying Configurations

Then, click on Finish install.

Stage 6: You can ignore the below error. Click on “here to login to your new install” to get a login page.

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - Completion of LibreNMS Installation
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – Completion of LibreNMS Installation

Login page:

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - LibreNMS Login Page
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – LibreNMS Login Page

LibreNMS Dashboard: (Illustration only – Dashboard may look like below after you have added devices to LibreNMS and customized front page)

Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 - LibreNMS Dashboard
Install LibreNMS on CentOS 7 – LibreNMS Dashboard

Post Setup:

Once the LibreNMS setup is complete, perform below steps.

vi /opt/librenms/config.php

Add below information to “config.php” file.

$config['fping'] = "/usr/sbin/fping";

Copy the cronjob information so that automatic discovery and polling for newly added devices can happen automatically.

cp /opt/librenms/librenms.nonroot.cron /etc/cron.d/librenms

Copy the logrotate configurations.

cp /opt/librenms/misc/librenms.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/librenms

Run validate.php as root in /opt/librenms directory.

cd /opt/librenms


Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS | d30e5660f942154bd72c1b3f6ff3846d3c1b7137
DB Schema | 199
PHP | 7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
MySQL | 10.0.29-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
RRDTool | 1.5.5

[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct

We suggest you add localhost (LibreNMS server) as your first device using LibreNMS web interface. To add your localhost or any devices in LibreNMS monitoring tool, you need to install and configure SNMP service, not applicable to Network devices.

Follow the below guide to add localhost as well as other machines in LibreNMS.

READ: How to Add Devices to LibreNMS Monitoring Tool

That’s All.

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