How to Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 – Monitoring Solution for your Infrastructure


Install Pandora Server:

Install dependencies before installing the Pandora server.

rpm -ivh
rpm -ivh

Now, install the Pandora server using the following command.

yum -y install pandorafms_server

Add the generated password during console installation into pandora_server.conf file.

vi /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf


dbpass pandora


dbpass vcgujhlw

Start the Pandora server.

service pandora_server start


Pandora FMS Server 7.0NG.709 Build 170728 Copyright (c) 2004-2015 ArticaST
This program is OpenSource, licensed under the terms of GPL License version 2.
You can download latest versions and documentation at
 [*] Backgrounding Pandora FMS Server process.
Pandora Server is now running with PID 4656

Also, start the tentacle server.

service tentacle_serverd start

Auto-start both service on system boot.

chkconfig pandora_server on
chkconfig tentacle_serverd on

Pandora agents use tentacle protocol for sending data to Pandora server. On the Pandora server, tentacle server runs on port 41121. So, we need to make tentacle port accessible for Pandora agent through a firewall.

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=41121/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Go to Pandora Console –> Server –> Manager servers.

Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 - Pandora Server
Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 – Pandora Server

You should see your server listed over there. The same server repeated multiple times here to represent different roles like data server, network server, etc.

Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 - Pandora Servers List
Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 – Pandora Servers List

Install Pandora Agent:

Perform below steps on the server you wish to monitor using Pandora FMS. Download the latest version of Pandora agent.

curl -O

Install Pandora agent using the following command.

yum localinstall pandorafms_agent_unix-7.0NG.709-1.noarch.rpm

Add Pandora server IP in the client configuration file.

vi /etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf

Mention your Pandora server IP here.


Start/Restart the agent.

service pandora_agent_daemon start

Monitor the server:

Go back to the Pandora console. You can now see the client added to agents list.

Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 - Pandora Agents List
Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 – Pandora Agents List

Click on the agent to see the overview of the particular agent.

Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 - Agent Overview
Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 – Agent Overview

Scroll further down and click on the graph:

Network Usage:

Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 - Network Usage Graph
Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 – Network Usage Graph

Used Memory:

Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 - Used Memory Graph
Install PandoraFMS Server on CentOS 7 – Used Memory Graph

That’s All.

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