How to Setup Virtual Hosts in Lighttpd Server

Setup Virtual Hosts in Lighttpd Server
Setup Virtual Hosts in Lighttpd Server

Virtual hosting is a technical way of hosting multiple domains on a single server. Hosting multiple domains on a single server increase optimized usage of its resources, such as processor cycles, memory.

Types of Virtual Hosting:

There are two types of virtual hosting, namely.

IP BasedThe website can be accessed using IP Address. The limitation is that you can host only one website per IP Address.

Name BasedWebsite will be accessible only when we use FQDN (ex. www.itzgeek.local). Shared hosting providers use this method for hosting multiple websites on a single server.

In our previous article, we looked into the installation of Lighttpd server on CentOS / Debian / Ubuntu.

READ: How to Install Lighttpd on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7
READ: How to Install Lighttpd on Debian 9
READ: How to Install Lighttpd on Ubuntu 16.04

Here, we focus on implementing Name Based virtual hosting on Lighttpd server.

Our Requirement:

We will implement the virtual hosting for below domains.

Virtual HostsDocument Root

Create Document Root:

Login as root or switch to the root user.

su -


sudo su -

Let’s create a document root for both domains. The document root is where the html files are present and served upon users request.

In my scenario,

mkdir -p /srv/htdocs/web1.itzgeek.local/
mkdir -p /srv/htdocs/web2.itzgeek.local/

Create index.html on both document root for testing virtual hosts.

echo "This is Test Page on web1.itzgeek.local" > /srv/htdocs/web1.itzgeek.local/index.html
echo "This is Test Page on web2.itzgeek.local" > /srv/htdocs/web2.itzgeek.local/index.html

Create VirtualHost Configuration files:

Let’s create a virtual host configuration file for both of our web sites.


### CentOS / RHEL ###
vi /etc/lighttpd/vhosts.d/web1.itzgeek.local.conf
### Ubuntu / Debian ###
nano /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/web1.itzgeek.local.conf

Use the below information.

$HTTP["host"] == "web1.itzgeek.local" { #FDQN
server.document-root = "/srv/htdocs/web1.itzgeek.local/" # Document-root of the webserver
accesslog.filename = "/var/log/lighttpd/web1.itzgeek.local_access.log" # Web server Access log file
server.errorlog = "/var/log/lighttpd/web1.itzgeek.local_error.log" # Web server Error log file


### CentOS / RHEL ###
vi /etc/lighttpd/vhosts.d/web2.itzgeek.local.conf
### Ubuntu / Debian ###
nano /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/web2.itzgeek.local.conf

Use the following configuration information.

$HTTP["host"] == "web2.itzgeek.local" { #FDQN
server.document-root = "/srv/htdocs/web2.itzgeek.local/" # Document-root of the webserver
accesslog.filename = "/var/log/lighttpd/web2.itzgeek.local_access.log" # Web server Access log file
server.errorlog = "/var/log/lighttpd/web2.itzgeek.local_error.log" # Web server Error log file

Enable Virtual Hosts:

On CentOS/RHEL server, uncomment the following line in the main configuration file /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf.

### CentOS / RHEL ###
include_shell "cat /etc/lighttpd/vhosts.d/*.conf"

On Debian/Ubuntu, you need to run below commands to enable virtual host configurations.

### Ubuntu / Debian ###

ln -s /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/web1.itzgeek.local.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/
ln -s /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/web2.itzgeek.local.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/

Restart Lighttpd service.

service lighttpd restart

Verify the Lighttpd Virtual Hosts:

Open up a web browser and visit both domains.


Setup Virtual Hosts in Lighttpd Server - VirtualHost 1
Setup Virtual Hosts in Lighttpd Server – VirtualHost 1
Setup Virtual Hosts in Lighttpd Server - VirtualHost 2
Setup Virtual Hosts in Lighttpd Server – VirtualHost 2

For more information on Lighttpd Virtual host configuration, visit Lightttpd Wiki.

That’s All.

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