How To Install Google Chrome on Linux Mint 20 / Linux Mint 19


Google Chrome is the widely used freeware browser, developed by Google, uses the WebKit layout engine. It has an inbuilt translate facility for translation of over 52 languages.

You can easily extend the functionality of Google Chrome by installing extension and web applications. Also, you can install themes for changing the way it looks.

Here is the guide on how to install Google Chrome on Linux Mint 20 / Linux Mint 19.

Install Google Chrome On Linux Mint

Add Google Chrome Repository

Open a terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ).

First, download the Google signing key and install it.

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Set up the Google Chrome repository.

echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

Install Google Chrome

Update the repository index.

sudo apt update

Google Chrome Stable

To Install Google Chrome Stable, use the below command.

sudo apt install -y google-chrome-stable

Google Chrome Beta

Want to try Google Chrome beta, run:

sudo apt install -y google-chrome-beta

Start Google Chrome

Graphical Mode

Go to Start >> Internet >> Google Chrome.

Start Google Chrome
Start Google Chrome

Terminal Mode

$ google-chrome


$ google-chrome-stable

To start, Google Chrome beta.

$ google-chrome-beta

Screenshot of Google Chrome running on LinuxMint 20:

Google Chrome Running on Linux Mint
Google Chrome Running on Linux Mint


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