Download – Handmade Obox-Design Premium WordPress theme


Handmade is fully prepared to help you transform your beautiful WordPress website into a thoroughbred online eCommerce store. Just download the free WooCommerce plugin, upload it to your WordPress plugin directory and activate the plugin to get started. Make use of SISO’s Mega menu to showcase some of your products or categories.

  • Post images of your latest work, dishes or crafts and categorize them in an easy to scan list page. Also marvel at the awesome image pop-up when you click on a particular photo.
  • Feature all your latest posts and finest work on the home page of your site. We have created an awesome colage feature which gives your site a unique and ‘different’ feel to the usual blogs out there.
  • Place a short little tagline right next to your logo which emphasises what your blog is all about.
  • Tweet, Like or share a custom URL with our neat social sharing options for each post that you publish.
  • Keep birds-eye view of incoming sales and reviews, stock levels and general store performance and statistics all from the WordPress dashboard.
  • WooCommerce have built in comprehensive shipping settings enabling you to define shipping costs per product, or declare a flat rate for all your products, you can also offer free shipping. Extend these options with our table rate shipping extension to define different shipping rates for various countries, or different weight brackets.
  • WooCommerce’s product management is focused on ease-of-use; if you’re comfortable writing & publishing a post within WordPress, adding products to WooCommerce will be a similar breeze.
  • If you don’t want to go through the trouble of adding your own payment gateway, WooCommerce already supports a wide variety of popular payment gateways for you that are Plug & Play.

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 [DKB url=”” text=”Live Demo” title=”Live Demo” type=”normal” style=”normal” color=”blue” textcolor=”#ffffff” height=”30″ width=”150″ opennewwindow=”yes” nofollow=”yes” custom=”yes”] [DKB url=”” text=”More Info” title=”More Info” type=”normal” style=”normal” color=”red” textcolor=”#ffffff” height=”30″ width=”150″ opennewwindow=”yes” nofollow=”yes” custom=”yes”] [DKB url=”” text=”Download Now” title=”Download Theme” type=”normal” style=”normal” color=”green” textcolor=”#ffffff” height=”30″ width=”150″ opennewwindow=”yes” nofollow=”yes” custom=”yes”]
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