How To Install Icinga 2 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7


Icinga 2 is a free and open source monitoring tool which helps you to monitor network resources, get an alert on outages, also be able to generate the performance data.

Icinga 2 is very scalable, and you can monitor small to larger, complex environments across multiple locations.

Icinga 2 supports all major distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS / RHEL, Fedora, openSUSE, SLES, Gentoo, FreeBSD, and ArchLinux.

This post briefly covers the installation and configuration of Icinga 2 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7.

Switch to the root user.

$ sudo su -

Icinga packages depend on other packages (ex. Nagios plugins) which are distributed in EPEL repository. So, configure the EPEL repository on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7.

rpm -ivh

In addition to this, enable the optional and extras repositories on RHEL 7.

subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms

Add Icinga 2 Repository

Icinga provides its official repository for their packages. So, install repository rpm

rpm --import
yum install

Install Icinga 2

yum -y install icinga2

To start Icinga2 service, run:

systemctl start icinga2

To set Icinga 2 service to start automatically on system startup, run:

systemctl enable icinga2


If the system has SELinux enabled, then Install the below package to have targeted policy for Icinga 2.

yum install -y icinga2-selinux

Install Nagios Plugins

Without the plugins, Icinga 2 does not know how to monitor the external services. So install Nagios plugins on top of Icinga 2.

yum -y install nagios-plugins-all

Configuring DB IDO MySQL

The DB IDO module for Icinga 2 takes care of exporting all the configuration and status information to the database; we need to have database server for this requirement.

At present, MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported. Here, we will use the MySQL server as a database server.

If you already have a MySQL server on your system, you can skip the below step.

yum -y install mariadb-server mariadb

Start and enable MariaDB service.

systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable mariadb
Perform initial setup of MariaDB using the mysql_secure_installation command.

Install IDO modules for MySQL

Now, install IDO modules for MySQL using the following command. You can find the icinga2-ido-mysql package in Icinga 2 repository.

yum -y install icinga2-ido-mysql

Create Database for Icinga 2

Login to MariaDB using the following command.

mysql -u root -p

Create a database for IDO modules, and this is used when you set up the Icinga2 web interface.

grant all privileges on icinga2.* to icinga2@localhost identified by 'icinga123';

After creating the database, you shall import the Icinga 2 IDO schema using the following command.

mysql -u root -p icinga2 < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql

Enable IDO MySQL Module

Let’s lists the available and enabled features in Icinga 2.

icinga2 feature list


Disabled features: api command compatlog debuglog elasticsearch gelf graphite influxdb livestatus opentsdb perfdata statusdata syslog
Enabled features: checker ido-mysql mainlog notification

You can see that ido-mysql is already enabled.

If ido-mysql is not enabled on your system, then enable it using below command.

icinga2 feature enable ido-mysql

Also, enable the command feature which helps Icinga web interface and other Icinga add-ons to send commands to Icinga 2 via the external command pipe.

icinga2 feature enable command

Configure IDO DB MySQL module

Once you have enabled the IDO modules in Icinga 2, the Icinga 2 places the new configuration file at /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf in which you need to update the database credentials manually.

vi /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf

Update the above file shown like below.

user = "icinga2",
password = "icinga123",
host = "localhost",
database = "icinga2"

Restart the Icinga 2 instance to have this enabled features take effect.

systemctl restart icinga2

Check the status of Icinga 2 service.

 systemctl status icinga2


 icinga2.service - Icinga host/service/network monitoring system
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/icinga2.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-09-04 05:00:38 UTC; 23h ago
 Main PID: 11656 (icinga2)
   CGroup: /system.slice/icinga2.service
           ├─ 4520 /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_ping -H -c 5000,100% -w 3000,80%
           ├─ 4521 /usr/bin/ping -n -U -W 30 -c 5
           ├─11656 /usr/lib64/icinga2/sbin/icinga2 --no-stack-rlimit daemon -e
           └─11690 /usr/lib64/icinga2/sbin/icinga2 --no-stack-rlimit daemon -e
Sep 05 04:43:10 rhicinga2server icinga2[11656]: mail not found in $PATH. Consider installing it.
Sep 05 04:43:10 rhicinga2server icinga2[11656]: [2018-09-05 04:35:29 +0000] information/WorkQueue: #10 (;
Sep 05 04:43:10 rhicinga2server icinga2[11656]: [2018-09-05 04:35:30 +0000] information/WorkQueue: #7 (;
Sep 05 04:43:10 rhicinga2server icinga2[11656]: [2018-09-05 04:35:38 +0000] information/ConfigObject: Dumpin...ate'
Sep 05 04:43:10 rhicinga2server icinga2[11656]: [2018-09-05 04:40:29 +0000] information/WorkQueue: #6 (;
Sep 05 04:43:10 rhicinga2server icinga2[11656]: [2018-09-05 04:40:29 +0000] information/WorkQueue: #5 (;
Sep 05 04:43:10 rhicinga2server icinga2[11656]: [2018-09-05 04:40:38 +0000] information/ConfigObject: Dumpin...ate'


Configure the firewall to allow Icinga 2 clients to communicate with Icinga 2 server.

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5665/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

We will configure the Icinga 2 web interface in our next tutorial.

READ: How To Setup Icinga Web 2 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

That’s All.

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