How to Configure WAMP Server on Deaktop PC


WAMP5 Server

WAMP stands for Windows Apache, MySQL and PHP. Majority of websites are run by a three of  the    services – Apache, MySQL and PHP. Apache is the web server, which handles browser requests an sends the information across the internet to your browser. PHP is the programming language that many sites are written in – this creates dynamic content which in turn is sent to Apache, which sends the data to your browser. And finally, MySQL is the database which stores the information for programs. PHP is used to access this database.

If you want to run a website need to go hosting provider for availing, Most of the hosting  server is usually run in a  a Linux . However, not many people know that it is available locally, and for Windows as well. You can use the above three service also on windows , this will help you to test the webpages or programming thatou have written on PHP  before uploading in to a production server.

Apache MySQL PhP

Step 1

Download the latest WampServer. As of the writing of this article, it includes Apache 2.2.6 , PHP 5.2.5 and MySQL 5.0.45

Step 2

Run the installer. it will start the installation of WAMP5. Use the defaults and it should install without problem.

Step 3
WAMP5 Control Panel


Start the services. You will see a small icon in your taskbar. Left click on it (right clicking does not display the right menu) and select “put online”. The icon will then make a little animation, and your services will be online. You can view your homepage by going to https://localhost/.

Thats it! Wamp is now running. Now it is ready to serve the www content. Keep your website files in the public website directory, ie ‘c:wampwww‘. Any directory you create in this directory, shows up as a ‘project’ on the main index page.

In the control panel, you will find the lot of  option to control the WAMP5 server includes start,stop and restart of all the service. having the option to edit the configuration files of all the service such as php.ini,httpd.conf and my.ini. we can have phpMyadmin, and also SQLiteManager aliases for quick management of server.


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