Fedora 22 upgrade from Fedora 21 using Fedup


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Fedora 22 has been released on 26-05-2015, you may now looking upgrade option for Fedora 21. This guide will help you to upgrade Fedora 21 Server/Workstation/Cloud to Fedora 22 Server/Workstation/Cloud.

Note: Before going ahead, it is recommended to take a backup of important files and configuration; this will help us restoring the system back to its previous state.

Switch to root user

$ su

Now update your Fedora 21 to its latest available patch versions.

# yum update

Once done, reboot your system

# reboot

Now install fedup utility and fedora release package.

# yum install fedup fedora-release

Now upgrade Fedora using following command.

# fedup --network 22

Once the packages are install, reboot your machine.

# reboot

Now you could see the System Upgrade (fedup) in the grub boot menu, system will automatically boot into that upgrade menu.

Fedora 22 Upgrade-Grub Menu
Fedora 22 Upgrade-Grub Menu

Following screen shows the upgdradation is in progress.

Fedora 22 Upgrade-Upgrading
Fedora 22 Upgrade-Upgrading

If you press Esc button, you would see what is going on background.

Fedora 22 Upgrade - Background Upgrdation
Fedora 22 Upgrade – Background Upgrdation

Once the system is upgraded, you would see Fedora 22 in grub menu.

Fedora 22 Upgrade - Upgrade Complete Grub Menu
Fedora 22 Upgrade – Upgrade Complete Grub Menu

The following screen shows the login page of Fedora Server 22.

Fedora Server 22 Installation -  Login Screen
Fedora Server 22 Installation – Login Screen

Post Install:

Rebuild RPM DB to prevent checksum error.

# rpm --rebuilddb

Run distro sync

 # dnf distro-sync --setopt=deltarpm=0

Use rpmconf tool to search for .rpmnew, .rpmsave and .rpmorig files, you will asked to do Keep current version, place back old version, watch the diff or merge.

# dnf install rpmconf
# rpmconf -a

Incase you have a google chrome installed on system, recommend you to remove and then install it again.

That’s All!!!.

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