How To Install VirtualBox 6.0 / 5.2 on Linux Mint 19 / Linux Mint 18


VirtualBox is an open-source hypervisor application that helps you create and run guest operating systems (“virtual machines”) such as Linux and Windows under a host operating system. VirtualBox can be installed on host operating systems, including Linux, Windows, Solaris, OS X, and OpenSolaris.

From the version 2.0 VirtualBox supports 32 and 64bit host and guest operating systems. If you want to install 64bit guests then your processor must support hardware virtualization and, of course, the host operating system must be 64bit as well.

VirtualBox is released under GPL v2 and Oracle VM VirtualBox extension pack is released under PUEL (Personal Use and Evaluation License).

From VirtualBox 5.1, installers no longer rely on DKMS for module rebuilding.

VirtualBox 6.0 does not support 32-bit hosts. So, to install VirtualBox on 32-bit Linux Mint machine, you would need to go for the earlier version which is VirtualBox 5.2.

Install VirtualBox 6.0 / 5.2 on Linux Mint 19 / Linux Mint 18

Open up a terminal and Import the public key of the Oracle VirtualBox repository to your system.

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Add the VirtualBox repository using the following command.

### Linux Mint 19 ###
echo "deb [arch=amd64] bionic contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list
### Linux Mint 18 ###
echo "deb xenial contrib"  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list

Update the repository index database.

sudo apt-get update

Install the VirtualBox using the apt command.

VirtualBox 6.0:

sudo apt-get install -y virtualbox-6.0

VirtualBox 5.2:

sudo apt-get install -y virtualbox-5.2

Access VirtualBox

Start VirtualBox (on Cinnamon desktop): Menu >> Administration >> Oracle VM VirtualBox.

Install VirtualBox 6.0 on Linux Mint 19 - Start VirtualBox on Linux Mint
Install VirtualBox 6.0 on Linux Mint 19 – Start VirtualBox on Linux Mint



You should get the home screen of the Oracle VirtualBox Manager. Here you can create and manage your virtual machines.

What are you waiting for? Just go and create VMs.

VirtualBox 6.0 Running VMs on Linux Mint:

Install VirtualBox 6.0 on Linux Mint 19 – VirtualBox 6.0 running on Linux Mint 19

VirtualBox 5.2 Running VMs on Linux Mint:

Install VirtualBox 5.2 on Linux Mint 19 - VirtualBox 5.2 running on Linux Mint 19
Install VirtualBox 5.2 on Linux Mint 19 – VirtualBox 5.2 running on Linux Mint 19

That’s All.

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