How To Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10


Dropbox is a Web-based file hosting service for the public users from Dropbox Inc, which enables users to store and share files and folders with others across the Internet using file synchronization.

Dropbox offers both free and paid services, each with varying options. The Free service provides 2GB of free online storage whereas in Pro you can get as much as you want depending on your requirement and pricing model by Dropbox.

It offers user clients application across a variety of desktop and mobile operating systems.

For Linux, Dropbox provides official clients to upload or download the files.

Here is the guide to install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 / Ubuntu 17.10.

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04

Open a terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T) and install the wget package using the apt command.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wget

Download the latest version of Dropbox client using the wget command.

### 64 Bit - Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 / Ubuntu 17.10 ###
### 32 Bit - Ubuntu 16.04 ###

Install Dropbox using the apt command.

### 64 Bit - Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 / Ubuntu 17.10 ###
sudo apt-get install ./dropbox_2015.10.28_amd64.deb
### 32 Bit - Ubuntu 16.04 ###
sudo apt-get install ./dropbox_2015.10.28_i386.deb

Access Dropbox

Start Dropbox the Dropbox.

Ubuntu 18.04 / 17.10: Activities >> Search for Dropbox.

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 - Start Dropbox
Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 – Start Dropbox

Ubuntu 16.04: Dash >> Search for Dropbox.

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04 - Start Dropbox
Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04 – Start Dropbox

Dropbox will prompt you to download and install daemon for Dropbox. Click OK to download and install.

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 - Dropbox Installation
Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 – Dropbox Installation

Wait for few minutes. The installer will download and install the Dropbox daemon.

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 - Installing Dropbox
Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 – Installing Dropbox

Once the installation is complete, the installer will start the browser and ask you to log in into Dropbox account to link the Ubuntu system with your account.

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 - Link Dropbox Account in Ubuntu 18.04
Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 – Link Dropbox Account in Ubuntu 18.04

Upon successful installation of Dropbox, you would get the following page. Click Continue to Dropbox.

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 - Ubuntu 18.04 Linked to DropBbox
Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 – System Linked to Dropbox

Access the files stored on Dropbox by going to ~/Dropbox (Dropbox directory under your home directory).

Ubuntu 18:04 / Ubuntu 17.10:

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 - Dropbox Synchronization Directory
Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 18.04 – Dropbox Synchronization Directory

Ubuntu 16.04:

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04 - Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04
Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04 – Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04

That’s All.

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